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I know nothing about Moyan,but his presentation yesterday touched me deeply.(来自每日签到)
2012-12-8 16:35 回复|
To be a open-minded people will keep us happy every day.(来自每日签到)
2012-12-7 20:38 回复|
I feel happy and warm form the bottom of my heart when I come here.(来自每日签到)
2012-12-6 19:36 回复|
The beautiful autumn has gone, the cold and windy winter is coming.(来自每日签到)
2012-12-5 17:47 回复|
I am very busy recently, I hope I can have a holiday,but it is only a dream.(来自每日签到)
2012-12-4 21:10 回复|
I am proud of myself today although I am very tired. (来自每日签到)
2012-12-3 22:50 回复|
A simple life is a happy life for me, to a great extent.(来自每日签到)
2012-12-2 21:13 回复|
Don\'t hesitate to do it when you have a good idea, or you may lose a chance.(来自每日签到)
2012-12-1 17:21 回复|
My son says:\" I will try my best\".I hope he will keep his promise.(来自每日签到)
2012-11-30 21:40 回复|
Work or job can give me self-confidence,independence and happiness.(来自每日签到)
2012-11-29 21:37 回复|
I still have many dreams although I am becoming elder and elder,this makes me happy.(来自每日签到)
2012-11-28 17:46 回复|
good night(来自每日签到)
2012-11-27 01:22 回复|
I did a good job today, I hope I will have a good luck tomorrow.Keep on.(来自每日签到)
2012-11-26 22:30 回复|
I am watching the movie of TIK, so I am happy now.(来自每日签到)
2012-11-25 00:53 回复|
It is sunny today, but I am still unhappy for my son. I hope it will go away quickly.(来自每日签到)
2012-11-24 13:53 回复|
I am angry with my son.Honey,I feel disappointed about you today.(来自每日签到)
2012-11-23 20:31 回复|
Don\'t miss the last train.(来自每日签到)
2012-11-22 15:59 回复|
You should be self-confident when you face challenge.(来自每日签到)
2012-11-21 21:47 回复|
keep on, don\'t give up.(来自每日签到)
2012-11-20 19:33 回复|
I hope I can make progress step by step(来自每日签到)
2012-11-19 17:26 回复|


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